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turraing, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. Rush, dash; attack, onslaught. Le ~ na dtonn ina taobh, with the dashing of the waves against her side. Thugamar ~ tríothu, we thrust our way through them. De thurraing, at a rush. 2. Thrust, push; prop. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a jolt. 3. Lurch, stumble; fall. Ag baint ~e as an long, making the ship lurch. Baineadh ~ asam, I stumbled and fell. 4. Calamity, grief. Is mór mo thurraing faoi, I am deeply sorry about it. 5. Mec.E: Impact. 6. El: Shock. (Var:turrac m, turraic f)
~ adhainte, astatach, coiscis, gluaiste, réimse, turrainge, ignition, astatic, impedance, moving, field, shocking-, coil.
~ turrainge, shock wave.
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