táin, f. (gs. tána, pl. ~te). 1. Lit: (a) (Act of) driving (off). ~ bó, cattle-driving; (story of) cattle-raid. (b) Plundering expedition. (c) Driven cattle; plunder, booty, spoil. 2. (a) Herd, flock. S.a. tarbh1 1. (b) (pl.) Wealth (in cattle, sheep); great amount (of money, etc.). Tá na ~te (ar cnoc) aige, he is very wealthy. Chosain sé na ~te, it cost a great deal of money. S.a. sláinte 1(a). 3. Large gathering of people; great number, multitude. An triath agus a tháin, the lord and his following. Tháinig siad ina dtáinte, they came in droves. Na ~te póg, a myriad of kisses. 4. (a) (List of) famous people. Ní raibh sé sa ~, he was not numbered among the great. (b) Fame. ~ a shantú, to covet renown. 5. (In phrase) Ar an ~ sin, at that rate of going. Má leanann sé ar an ~ sin, if he keeps on like that.