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Similar words: leamh · éamh · lamh · luamh · amh
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léamh could be a grammatical form of: léigh »
léamh, m. (gs. as s. léimh, as vn. léite; pl. ~a). 1. vn. of léigh. 2. Reading. (a) ~ leabhar, reading of books. ~ uachta, reading of a will. ~ profaí, proof-reading. ~ Aifrinn, reading, celebration, of Mass. Parl: An chéad, an dara, ~ (ar bhille), first, second, reading (of bill). Níl ~ scríobh aige, he can neither read nor write. (b) Interpretation. ~ cártaí, cupán, lámh, reading of cards, cups, hands (in fortune-telling). Níl ~ sna leabhair air; níl ~ scríobh ( insint béil) air, it passes comprehension, defies description.
raibh aon ~ agam ar an leabhar a léamh, I hadnt time, leisure, to read the book.
~ a léamh, a (do dhuine), to say Mass (for s.o.’s intention).
~ a thabhairt, a léamh, a scríobh, a mhúineadh, a fhoghlaim, to give, read, write, teach, learn, a lesson.
Leabhar ab fhiú a léamh, a book that was worth reading.
Is é) dfhor is dfhónamh (a bheith) ag léamh leabhar, you do nothing but read books.
2. A fhortún a léamh, a insint, do dhuine, to read, tell, s.o. his fortune.
Níl léamh scríobh ~ béil air, it defies all description.
Leabhar, scéal, a léamh, to read a book, a story.
Léamh do dhuine, to read for s.o.
An clog a léamh, to read the clock.
An dtig leat ceol, Laidin, a léamh? Can you read music, Latin?
An tAifreann a léamh, to read, say, Mass.
Cáil duine a léamh , to read, proclaim, s.o.’s character.
Cártaí, cupáin, a léamh, to read cards, cups.
Intinn duine a léamh, to read s.o.’s mind.
2. Léamh ar, to make out, interpret, divine.
Léamh ar smaointe, ar chroí, duine, to read s.o.’s thoughts heart.
Is doiligh léamh ar intinn mná, it is hard to judge a womans mind.
Níl le léamh air, you wouldnt know it by him.
Ag iarraidh léamh ar an am atá romhainn, trying to read the future.
le léamh ar na comharthaí, the signs reveal it.
Ag léamh ar na comharsana, discussing the neighbours.
3. Léamh as, understand from, interpret.
rud eile le léamh as, it conveys something else.
~ a léamh, to read a line.
An ~ a léamh do dhuine, to read a lecture to, enumerate his faults for, s.o.
~ a léamh, to read an office.
~ a léamh (ar ábhar), to read a paper (on a subject).
An Pháis a léamh, to read the Passion (from the gospels).
á léamh romhat, read it as you go along.
Is fiú an scéal sin a léamh ar ~ na stíle atá ann, that story is worth reading because of its style.
Thug dom le léamh é, he gave it to me to read.
Ag dul ag obair, ag léamh leabhair, going to work, to read a book.
Bhí orm an t-~ den truflais sin a léamh, I had to read a terrible amount of that rubbish.
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