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~ bréige, false name, alias.
~ bhréige, false apparition; empty dream.
Síocháin bhradach, false peace.
Ainm bréige, false, assumed, name.
Dia bréige, false god, idol.
Fianaise bhréige, false witness.
Focal, scéala, ~, false word, tidings.
An ~ a imirt ar dhuine, to play false with s.o.
~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to set off a false alarm for s.o.; to play a practical joke on s.o.
~ cailce, bréige, pearly, false, teeth.
~ bréige, false god, idol.
Chomh dubh, glic, bréagach, leis an ~, as black, cunning, false, as Satan.
~ bréige, false pretences.
Mionn, leabhar, éithigh a thabhairt, to take a false oath, to perjure oneself.
Dia, fáidh, ~, false god, prophet.
Míniú ~, false explanation.
Aithrí fhalsa, false penitence.
~ a dhéanamh, a imirt, ar dhuine, to play false with s.o.
~adh ar dhuine, to play s.o. false; to fail s.o.
Fiacla bréige, false teeth.
~ bhréige, false witness.
Más ~ () bréag é, whether it be true or false.
Ghair siad a ndéithe bréige, they invoked their false gods.
Ag ~, giving false alarms, playing practical jokes.
Ag ~t do dhéithe bréige, sacrificing to false gods.
Coiscéim iomraill, false step.
Meáchan, tomhas, ~, false weight, measure.
~ bréige, éithigh, false oath.
~ neamhdhleathach, false imprisonment.
An fíor a ~adh ón mbréag, to separate the true from the false.
déan peaca an tomhais, dont give false measure.
Uiríll bhréagacha, false representations.
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