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fíbín, m. (gs. ~). 1. Gadding. ~ ar na ba, the cows are gadding. 2. Fit of excitement; caprice. Céard a chuir an ~ orthu? What set them off, caused the stir among them? Cén ~ atá ort? Whats your rush? Dimigh le ~ (feirge), he went off in a huff. ~ siúil, damhsa, óil, air, he is in a mood for walking, dancing, drinking. 3. Go ~, easily, idly. Dhéanfainn é sin go ~, I would do that easily. 4. (As vn.) Ag ~, (i) (Of cattle) gadding, (ii) (of person) gadding about; acting capriciously. Ag ~ an bóthar amach, wandering idly out along the road.
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