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fágáil could be a grammatical form of: fág »
fágáil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of fág2. 2. Weakness, failing. ~ éigin ann, he is wanting in some respect. 3. Parting injunction; bequest. Dfhág na fágálacha sin orainn, he enjoined those things upon us. (Var:fágaint f)
Duine a fhágáil san ~, to leave s.o. in the lurch.
Doras a fhágáil ~, to leave a door unguarded.
Do bheannacht a fhágáil ag, a chur le, duine, to take ones farewell of, to bid farewell to, s.o.
Rud a fhágáil, a ligean, ar ~, to lose sth. through absent-mindedness.
Baile Átha Cliath a fhágáil ar an m~ ag duine, to leave s.o. in the lurch.
Rud a fhágáil ina bhratscair, to leave sth. spread out on the ground.
Do chead a fhágáil, a ghabháil, ag duine, to take ones leave of s.o.
~ a fhágáil ar dhuine, to inflict a wound on s.o.
Slán codlata a fhágáil ag duine, to bid s.o. good night.
Rud a fhágáil gan chríochnú, to leave sth. unfinished.
Duine a fhágáil ~, to leave s.o. destitute.
Rud a fhágáil i do dhiaidh i n~, to leave sth. behind through oversight.
Duine a fhágáil ag D~, to let God deal with s.o.
1. ~cha tinne a fhágáil ag duine, to trounce s.o. (about the ribs).
~ (ruda) a fhágáil ort féin, to leave oneself short (of sth.).
Eireabaill a fhágáil ar rud, to do an untidy job on sth.
Rud a fhágáil ina áit féin, to leave sth. in its own place.
Páipéar a fhágáil bán, to leave a paper blank.
Doras a fhágáil dúnta, to leave a door closed.
Duine a fhágáil dealbh, to leave s.o. destitute.
Fuílleach a fhágáil, to leave something over.
An áit, an baile, a fhágáil, to leave the place, home.
An scoil, an post, a fhágáil, to leave school, the job.
Ag ~áil an dom, as I was leaving the house.
Ar fhágáil an tsaoil dúinn, at our departure from life.
A fhágáil gur fíor rud, to grant that sth. may be true.
Rud a fhágáil ag duine, to leave sth. to s.o.
Rud a fhágáil amach, to omit, exclude, except, sth.
Lorg a fhágáil ar rud, to leave a trace on sth.
Cúram a fhágáil ar dhuine, to leave a charge on s.o.
Rud a fhágáil ar dhuine, to attribute sth. to s.o.; to accuse s.o. of sth.
Áit a fhágáil faoi dhuine, to allow s.o. the run of a place.
Obair a fhágáil faoi dhuine, to let s.o. deal with work as he thinks fit.
Rud a fhágáil gan déanamh, to leave sth. undone.
Rud a fhágáil i dtaisce, i bhfolach, to leave sth. stored, hidden, away.
Duine a fhágáil i gcontúirt, to leave s.o. in danger.
Rud a fhágáil le huacht (ag duine), to leave sth. by will (to s.o.).
Rud a fhágáil le danam, to leave sth. to be offered for ones soul.
Rud a fhágáil uait, to lay aside sth.
Airgead a fhágáil thart, to lay money by.
Na seanfhaltanais a fhágáil thart, to let old enmities rest.
Rud a fhágáil ~ dhuine (le déanamh), to leave sth. to s.o. (to do).
~ fágála, scoir, notice to quit, of discontinuance.
Rud a fhágáil ar ~, to omit sth.
Rud a chur, a fhágáil, a chaitheamh, i ~, to put, leave, cast, sth. aside.
An ~ a fhágáil, to abandon ship.
~ a fhágáil ar rud, to leave a mark on sth.
~ a fhágáil ar rud, to impair sth.
Rud a fhágáil ~, to let sth. rest.
Rud a fhágáil faoi mholadh duine, to let s.o. be the judge of sth.
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