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duais1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Gift, reward, prize. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to reward s.o.; to award a prize to s.o. Is fiú ~ é, he deserves a reward. ~ a thairiscint, to offer a reward, a prize. ghlacfaidh an bás ~, death cannot be put off with gifts, cannot be bribed. ~ airgid, money prize, purse. 2. Turf: Stake.
duais2, f. (gs. ~e). Gloom, dejection; trouble, sorrow; travail, distress. ~ a chur ort féin le rud, to trouble, distress, oneself with sth.; to get down to sth. S.a. don1, dua.
duais-3, pref. Prize-, prize-winning.
Duais aitheantais, consolation prize.
Airgead, duais, a bhaint, to win money, a prize.
Cath, cluiche, duais, a bhuachan, to win a battle, a game, a prize.
Ort do chol duaise! May your dark deed fall on you! Confound you anyway!
Fear a dháileadh duaiseanna ar fhilí, a man who bestowed gifts on poets.
Do dhon is do dhuais ort! ~ is duais ort! Mo dhon is mo dhoghrainn ort (agus ar doide múinte)! Bad cess to you (and to whoever taught you)!
~ agus doilíos; ~ agus duais, travail and sorrow.
Duais, geall, a ghnóthú, to win a prize, a wager.
Duais a mholadh do dhuine, to award a prize to s.o.
Thóg an duais, she took the prize.
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