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deartháir, m. (gs. -ár, pl. ~eacha). 1. Blood-brother. ~ mór, older brother. ~ beag, óg, younger brother. ~ athar, máthar, paternal, maternal, uncle. ~ céile, brother-in-law. S.a. clann 1. 2. (In comparisons) ~ don bhréag an béal bán, flattery is akin to falsehood. ~ don sac an mála, it comes to the same thing. ~ do Thadhg (riabhach) Dónall (gránna), they are both alike; one is as bad as the other. Is é ~ an bheagáin é! It looks small, indeed! 3. (As term of address) A dheartháir, (my dear) brother; (my dear) friend; my dear man. A Sheáin, a dheartháir, my dear Seán. A dheartháir manama! Man alive! (Var: gs. dearthára, npl. deartháracha, gpl. dearthár, dearthárach)
Deartháir don bhréag an ~ bán, flattery is akin to falsehood.
is sine é féin a dheartháir? Which is the older, he or his brother?
~ an dheartháir, an dheirfiúr, an dearthár is na deirféar, (particularized terms for) first cousins.
Ag gol i n~ a dearthár, weeping over the loss of her brother.
Bhí ag caint le deartháir duit, I was talking to a brother of yours.
Deartháireacha iad, nach ea? They are brothers, are they not?
~ dearthár, deirféar, brothers, sisters, daughter; niece.
Bhí a dheartháir leis, his brother was along with him.
~ dearthár, deirféar, twin brother, sister.
~ dearthár, deirféar, brothers, sisters, son; nephew.
Is ~ a bhíos gan deartháir, it is sad to be without a brother.
Mo dheartháir ~, my brother-in-law.
Deartháir do Thadhg (riabhach) Dónall (crón), there is nothing to choose between them.
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