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déirc, f. (gs. ~e). Charity, alms(-giving). ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to perform an act of charity towards s.o.; to give alms to s.o. Déan ~ ar an duine bocht, take pity on, help, the poor fellow in his need. Ag iarraidh na ~e, seeking alms, begging. Tabhair ~ , give him alms. Bheith ar an ~, to be living on charity, reduced to beggary. I muinín na ~e, depending on charity. Chuir siad ar an ~ é, they beggared him. Díol ~e, object of charity. Is é an ~ é, he is deserving of charity, to be pitied; he is such a beggar. Is mór an ~ duit é, (sometimes ironically) it is a great act of charity on your part. Ba dhéirc leis sin féin a fháil, he was humbly grateful to get even that. Altú na ~e, thanksgiving for alms, beggars thanks. Prov: ~ chuid féin (a thabhairt) don amadán, (to) feed a dog with his own tail. ~ don phocán lán, undeserving charity. Prov: ~ an Domhnaigh a bhriseas droim an diabhail, [’Sunday charity overloads the devils back’, occasional almsgiving is not charity in the true sense. Fear, bean, ~e, beggar (-man, -woman). S.a. ord2 1(b). (Var: ~e f)
~ trua, déirce, an object of pity, of charity.
(Beo) ar arán, ar a shaothrú, ar an déirc, (living) on bread, on his earnings, on charity.
Bheith ag brath ar an déirc, to depend on charity.
Droim an bhacaigh a bhriseadh le déirc, to kill s.o. with kindness.
Is ~ bocht, ~ déirce, leo an méid sin féin a fháil, they are humbly grateful to get even that much.
~ déirce, alms-giving.
~ déirce, person likely to give alms, generous almsgiver.
Ón déirc a d’~ , he rose from beggary.
Ag fuirseadh na déirce, scrambling for alms.
~ na hainnise, na déirce, na mire, miserly, beggarly, mad, fellow.
Dul i leith na déirce, to resort to charity.
Cailín ag ~ is ~ ag iarraidh déirce, Mór has a maid and yet Mór has to beg, anything to keep up appearances.
I ~ na déirce, relying on charity.
Is é an ~ déirce é, he is an object of charity.
~ déirce, mendicant order.
Fear ~tha déirce, dispenser of charity.
Deireadh gach ~e an déirc, begging is the last resort.
Ag teacht suas ar an déirc, existing on charity.
I d~ na déirce, depending on charity.
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