carn1, m. (gs. & npl. cairn, gpl. ~). 1. Archaeol: Cairn. 2. Heap, pile. (a) ~ cloch, heap of stones. ~ airgid, pile of money. ~ bruscair, rubbish-heap. ~ aoiligh, dung-hill. S.a. coiscéim. ~ luatha, ash-heap. ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to pile up sth. (b) ~ adamhach, atomic pile. 3. Great amount. ~ oibre, great amount of work.
carn2, v.t. (pp. ~tha). 1. Heap, pile. Rud a charnadh, to heap up sth. Ag ~adh sneachta, driving snow, forming snow-drifts. Ag ~adh airgid, making piles of money. Ag ~adh leabhar ar a chéile, piling books on top of one another. Ag ~adh (bia) ionat, stuffing oneself (with food). 2. Pound. Bhí siad á gcarnadh ag an stoirm, they were being tossed about by the storm. Tá sé ~tha, á charnadh, ag an slaghdán, he is choked with a cold.
Ag carnadh airgid, making heaps of money.
3. ~ crúb, pounding of hoofs.
~ claimhte, clash of swords.
Cuirfidh sí ~ i do charn, she will bury you yet.
~ coiligh ar charn aoiligh, arrogant step.
Bhí an bia i g~ carn acu, the food was heaped on the table for them; they helped themselves to the food.
Bhí an carn ag éirí, the mound was piling up.
Rinne sé carn glóthaí de, he knocked him in a heap.
~ an chairn, the pointed top of the cairn.