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beartú could be a grammatical form of: beartaigh »
beartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of beartaigh1. 2. Plan, scheme, contrivance. Gan bheartú, unpremeditated.
Rud a bheartú i do lámh, to poise sth. in ones hand for throwing.
Claíomh a bheartú, to brandish a sword.
Gunna mór a bheartú, to lay a cannon.
Luíochán a bheartú, to lay an ambush.
Bata a bheartú ar dhuine, to threaten s.o. with a stick.
Scéim a bheartú, to devise a scheme.
Cealg a bheartú, to plot treachery.
Bás duine a bheartú, to plan the death of s.o.
De réir mar a bhí beartaithe, according to plan.
Beartú ar rud a dhéanamh, to determine to do sth.
beartaithe agam ar dhul ann, I have made up my mind to go there.
Ag beartú is ag ~eadh, scheming and faltering.
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