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amhlaidh, adv. Thus, so. sin ~, that is so, as stated. Bíodh ~, so be it. Gurab ~ duit! The same to you! Déan thusa ~, do you accordingly. Is ionúin le Dia ~ í, God likes her thus. Is ~ atá , mar atá , nach n-aithním thú, the fact of the matter is that I do not recognize you. ~ leat, leat ~, I am like yourself in that respect. h~ duitse é, the case is different with you. Is ~ a shíl go raibh fearg orm, the fact is that he thought I was angry. Más ~ go bhfuil ag imeacht, if in fact you are going away. An ~ nach dtuigeann ? Is it that you do not understand me? h~ go bhfuil eagla orm, it is not that I am afraid. mhéad é is ~ is fearr é, the bigger (it is) the better. Is ~ a tháinig agus gan an leabhar leis, actually he came without bringing the book.
Beidh ~ amhlaidh, it will always be so.
óige é is amhlaidh is fearr é, the younger he is the better.
Rinne amhlaidh, he acted accordingly.
~ a bheith amhlaidh, it cant possibly be so.
leat amhlaidh, I am like yourself in that respect.
Níorbh fhada a ~ an scéal amhlaidh, the matter didnt rest like that for long.
~ amhlaidh, it has always been so.
Go raibh ~ amhlaidh, may you be ever thus.
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