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Aige, could be a grammatical form of: ag »
aige2. 1 : ag1. 2 = ag1.
Bhí siad á moladh aige, they were being praised by him.
Níl ach a go bhfuil ciall aige! It can hardly be said that he has any sense.
~ aige, able for him, a match for him.
a ~ aige, he has cause, reason, for it.
~ Gaeilge aige, he knows some Irish.
Níl mórán abhrais déanta aige, he has little to show for his work.
~ aige ar obair throm, he can stand up to heavy work.
~ grinn aige, he can take a joke.
Níl ~ aige ar challán, he cant bear noise.
Níl d’~ aige na fiacha a íoc, he is unable to pay his debts.
dúil na n-~ aige ann, he is passionately fond of it.
Is aige a fuair an speal, I got the scythe from him.
Níl aon mhaith le duine ar bith aige sin, he thinks nobody is any good.
Fág an eochair aige, leave the key with him.
An mac sin aige, that son of his.
Theip ar an misneach aige, he lost courage.
an chéad uair aige é, it is not his first time.
Is minice an moladh aige an cáineadh, he is more given to praise than to blame.
An croí a bhogadh aige, to soften his heart.
teach agus talamh aige, he has a house and land.
Bhí slat aige, he had a rod.
beirt mhac aige, he has two sons.
comharsana maithe aige, he has good neighbours.
Bhí aois mhór aige, he was very old.
Is aige atá an fhoighne, he has great patience.
an tsláinte aige, he has good health.
snámh aige, he can swim.
Bhí troid aige leo, he had a fight with them.
buntáiste aige orm, he has an advantage over me.
orlach aige orm, he is an inch taller than I am.
Beidh aige! He will have your life!
Bíodh aige! Let him be!
Bíodh an diabhal aige! Let him go to the devil!
Béigean dom imeacht aige, I had to leave because of him.
trom aige, it is heavy for him.
in am aige pósadh, it is time for him to get married.
Bhí ag iarraidh é a cheannach ~ gan mórán airgid aige, he was trying to buy it although he had little money.
Labhair liom, amhail ~ mbeadh aithne aige orm, he spoke to me as if he knew me.
Is ~ an aois atá aige, he is a great age.
dúil aige san ól. Is iomaí duine ar a ~. He is fond of drink. It is a common affliction.
mbeadh breith, greim, ar a ~ aige, if he could undo what he has done.
Is diail an t-~ atá aige, he is the devil for talk.
~ deas aige, he has a good address.
fios a ~ aige, he knows his own mind.
an rud a deir atá ina ~ aige, he is not speaking his mind.
a chroí agus a ~ aige, he is in good heart and spirit.
Is breá an ~ atá aige, he has a strong voice.
Bhí lámh ~ aige, he had a deformed hand.
an t-~ sin aige, air, he has that reputation.
Is í ~ na huaire aige í, she is his sweetheart for the time being.
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