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úd1, m. (gs. & npl. úid, gpl. ~). 1. (a)Cards:Bheith ~ i gcluiche, to be within one trick of winning a game. (b) Fig: Bheith ~ san obair, to have the work nearly completed. (c) an coirce in ~ a bhainte, the oats are ready for reaping. 2. Rugby: Try. ~ a ghnóthú, a shlánú, to get, convert, a try.
úd2, dem. a. Yon, yonder; that (with implication of distance in space or time). 1. An teach ~ thíos, that house down below. An cnoc ~ thall, that hill beyond. Cois na carraige ~, beside that far rock. An abhainn ~ a thrasnaíomar, that river we crossed earlier. An fear ~ a rabhamar ag caint leis inné, that man we spoke to yesterday. An gnás ~ a bhí ag ár sinsir, that custom which our ancestors had. hainm ~ a thug air? What was that name he called it? 2. (Deprecatory use) bac leis an diúlach ~, dont mind that fellow. (Var: ud, udaí, ~, ~an)
Cuid den chadhain seo a chur sa chadhain (úd) eile, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
An scéal úd ~, what we were discussing yesterday. (Recent)
~ úd, over yonder.
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