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éasca1, m. (gs. ~). Moon. Thug grian is ~ air féin (go), he vowed by the sun and the moon (that).
éasca2, a3. Swift, nimble; free, fluent, easy; ready, prompt. Ar each ~, on a swift steed. An bealach is ~, the quickest way. Bhí ró-~ aige, I was too quick for him. ~ ar a chos, he is light on his feet. Umhal ~, (i) supple and swift, (ii) willing and prompt. ~ aigeanta, light and gay. croí ~ aici, she is light of heart. Chomh h~ le meannán, as frisky as a kid. ~ a dhéanamh, a láimhsiú, easy to do, to handle. Obair ~, quick, easy, work. Stíl ~, free, fluid, style. Rud ab ~ liom a leis, what I would readily say to him. ~ chuige, if you are free to do it. ~ ar daimhleas, dont rush headlong into ruin.
Chomh héadrom, chomh héasca, le ~, as light as a sparrow’, light of foot, of heart.
Go h~ agus go héasca, promptly and speedily.
~ éasca, lithe and swift.
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