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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for urge »
urge1, s. Dúil f, fonn m, griogadh m. I felt the urge to go home, phrioc an bheach chun dul abhaile. Urge to write, fonn m scríbhneoireachta.
urge2, v.tr. 1 a To urge s.o. (on), duine a ghríosú, a spreagadh, a bhrostú, chun cinn. To urge a horse forward, capall a bhroidiú. To urge s.o. to do sth., duine a ghríosú, a spreagadh, a shaighdeadh, chun rud a dhéanamh. b To urge on, forward, a piece of work, dlús a chur le hobair; obair a dheifriú. 2 Áitím (cúis); molaim (comhairle). To urge that sth. should be done, a thathaint go ndéanfaí rud.
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