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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for upset »
upset1, s. 1 Iompú m (cairr, báid). 2 a Achrann m, suaitheadh m, corraíl f. b Suaitheadh m intinne, coscairt f intinne. She has had a dreadful upset, fuair drochthuairt. c Meathlaíocht f, meath-thinneas m. A stomach upset, taom m goile.
upset2 . 1 v.tr. a Leagaim (rud); cuirim, iompaím (soitheach, etc.) droim ar ais, béal faoi. b Cuirim (scéim) ar míthreoir, ó rath, trí chéile. c Corraím, buairim, suaithim (duine). That upset him, chuir sin thar a dhóigh é. He is easily upset, is furasta goilleadh air, cur air. Don't upset yourself, cuir as duit féin. d Beer upsets me, cuireann an bheoir as dom; réitíonn an bheoir liom. 2 v.i. (Of cup, etc.) Leagtar; iompaíonn béal faoi.
upset3, a. 1 a Buartha, trí chéile; suaite. Don't be so upset, bíodh imní ort. To get upset, múisiam a theacht ort. He looked very much upset, bhí cuma an-chásmhar air. b My digestion is upset, an goile ag cur orm. 2 (At auction) Upset price, bunphraghas m.
F: I upset his apple-cart, chuir a phlean síos is suas.
In no wise upset, gan a dhath mairge ort.
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