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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for up and down »
up-and-down, attrib.a. Up-and-down motion, gluaiseacht f suas síos.
In the phr. Ups and downs, cora mpl an tsaoil, seal thuas agus seal thíos.
Up hill and down dale, over hill and dale, thar sliabh agus gleann.
To jig up and down, bheith ag pocléimneach.
To look s.o. up and down, duine a scrúdú ó mhullach talamh.
To stride up and down the room, céimniú suas agus anuas an seomra.
To go up and to come down, dul suas agus teacht anuas.
To walk up and down, siúl anonn agus anall, suas síos.
He was walking up and down, bhí ag spaisteoireacht suas síos.
Ups and downs, ardáin agus ísleáin (sa talamh).
He has his ups and downs, bíonn thuas seal agus thíos seal.
F: The ups and downs of life, cora mpl an tsaoil.
A life of ups and downs, F: sách agus seang.
To walk up and down, siúl suas anuas.
He walked the horse up and down, chuir an capall ag siúl suas anuas.
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