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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for ticket »
ticket1, s. 1 Ticéad m. Complimentary ticket, ticéad comaoine. Rail: Single ticket, ticéad singil. Return ticket, ticéad m fillte. 2 Com: (Price-)ticket, lipéad m praghais. 3 Pol: U.S: F: The party ticket, clár an pháirtí. 4 a Mil: Nau: He got his ticket, fuair a mhiotamas. b Nau: F: He got his (master's) ticket, fuair a theastas captaein. Av: He got his (pilot's) ticket, fuair a cheadúnas píolóta. c See LEAVE1 5 P: That's the ticket! sin í an obair! nár lagaí Dia thú!
ticket2, v.tr. Cuirim lipéid ar (earraí).
Rail: The availability of the ticket, bailíocht f an ticéid.
Rail: Ticket barrier, geata na dticéad.
Ticket-collector, fear m ticéad.
Rail: Excursion ticket, ticéad saorthurais.
Th: etc: Free ticket, ticéad m in aisce.
Ticket good for two months, ticéad a d'fhónfadh go ceann dhá mhí.
Rail: Outward half (of ticket), an chéad leath (den ticéad).
Half-fare ticket, leath-thicéad m.
The prisoner was released on ticket of leave, scaoileadh an príosúnach ar choinníoll.
To break one's ticket of leave, coinníoll na saoirse a bhriseadh.
Rail: Monthly ticket, ticéad .
Rail: Outward half (of ticket), ticéad m amach.
Rail: Return ticket, ticéad m fillte.
Rail: Transfer ticket, ticéad m il-líne.
Ticket valid for three months, ticéad m a mhairfeas go ceann trí mhí.
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