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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for taste »
taste1, s. 1 a Blas m. An unpleasant taste, domlas m. A pleasant taste, sobhlas m. b It has a burnt taste, blas dóite air. This drink has no taste, níl blas ar bith ar an deoch seo; an deoch seo leamh. c F: A taste of sth., smitín m, smeachán m (cáise, etc.); braon m (fíona, etc.). d F: She gave us a taste of her tongue, fuaireamar leadhb teanga uaithi. He gave us a taste of his ill-nature, bhris an drochbhraon amach ann linn. You'll get a taste of it one of these days, foghlaimeoidh a bhlas de na laethanta seo. 2 Dúil f, spéis f(for, i); mian f(for, chun), tóir(for, ar). To have a taste for sth., luí a bheith agat le rud; toil a bheith agat do rud. He acquired, developed, a taste for reading, tháinig dúil aige sa léamh, thug aghaidh don léamh. To find sth. to one's taste, goile a bheith agat do rud. Add sugar to taste, cuir siúcra air mar a oirfidh. Prov: Tastes differ; everyone to his taste, beatha duine a thoil. 3 a To have taste in music, ciall do cheol a bheith agat. People of taste, daoine breithiúnacha. b Costume in perfect taste, culaith rí-oiriúnach. It is (in) bad taste to . . ., cuibhiúil a leithéid a dhéanamh.
taste2, I v.tr. 1 Blaisim (rud); faighim blas (ruda). 2 (Of cook) Blaisim, tástálaim blas (ruda). 3 a Blaisim de (rud). He has not tasted food for three days, dheachaigh blas thar a bhéal le trí . b To taste happiness, ill fortune, aithne an tsonais, an donais, a fháil. He tasted power, fuair blas na cumhachta. II   taste, v.i. To taste of sth., blas ruda a bheith ar rud. It tastes like honey, blas meala air. It tastes sweet, blas milis air.
To acquire a taste for sth., éirí dúilmhear i rud.
Antiquarian taste, dúil in ársaíocht.
Taste bud, blasóg f.
Burnt taste, blas dóite.
To display a taste for . . ., a thaispeáint go bhfuil luí agat le rud.
He dresses with taste, gléasann é féin go slachtmhar.
Fiery taste, blas bolcánach, scallta.
It is all a matter of taste, a chiall féin ag gach aon duine.
To have pretensions to literary taste, a mhaíomh go bhfuil tuiscint don litríocht agat.
Soapy taste, blas gallúnaí.
A sort of sour taste, blas cineál géar.
Stale taste, fuarbhlas; blas leamh.
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