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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for spur »
spur1, s. 1 Spor m. He has won his spurs, a cháil bainte aige. To set, clap, put, spurs to one's horse, na spoir a thabhairt do do chapall. 2 Spreagadh m. The spur of necessity, éileamh an riachtanais. On the spur of the moment, ar ala na huaire. 3 Spor m (coiligh). 4 a (Of mountains) Sáil f, speirín m. b (Of railway) Craobhlíne f.
spur2, v.tr. 1 Tugaim na spoir do, sporaim (capall). 2 To spur s.o. on, duine a bhrostú, a sporadh, a spreagadh m. 3 Feistím spoir (ar choileach comhraic).
Booted and spurred, faoi bhróga is faoi spoir.
To prick the horse with the spur, na spoir a thabhairt don chapall.
To give a horse a touch of the spurs, na spoir a thabhairt go héadrom do chapall.
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