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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for responsible »
responsible, a. 1 a Freagrach (i gcúram). Person responsible for doing sth., duine a bhfuil de dhualgas air rud a dhéanamh. Responsible to s.o., freagrach do dhuine. To be responsible to s.o. for sth., bheith freagrach do dhuine i rud. He is not responsible for his actions, níl neart aige air féin. b Ciontach (le timpiste). To hold s.o. responsible (for sth.), an milleán a chur ar dhuine. Jur: To be responsible for s.o.'s actions, bheith freagrach i ngníomhartha duine. 2 Údarásach, éifeachtach. In responsible quarters, i measc lucht údaráis. Situation for a responsible man, post d'fhear stuama. 3 (Post) Cúramach.
I hold you responsible for it, fágaim ort é.
Jur: Jointly liable responsible, comhfhreagrach.
Legally responsible, freagrach os comhair an dlí.
He is nominally responsible, in ainm a bheith freagrach. 2 De réir ainmneacha.
In responsible quarters, ag an lucht ceannais.
He is solely responsible, é féin amháin atá freagrach ann.
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