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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for quote »
quote, v.tr. 1 a Luaim (údar, sliocht); tugaim mar údarás, mar shampla. To quote an authority for sth., údar a thabhairt le rud. To quote an instance of sth., sampla de rud a lua. He quoted it from the Bible, as an mBíobla a thug é. To quote from the author, sliocht a thabhairt as saothar údair. b Com: In reply please quote this number, ag freagairt duit luaigh an uimhir seo, le do thoil. 2 Com: Luaim (luach). 3 Typ: Cuirim (sliocht) faoi chomharthaí athfhriotail.
F: To quote a case in point, cás a bhaineas leis an scéal a lua.
To quote sth. as an example, rud a lua mar shampla.
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