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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for pull-up » and pull up »
pull-up, s. 1 Stopadh m, stad m (cairr, carbaid, etc.). 2 Proinnteach m bóthair (do rothaithe, etc.). 3 pl. Pull-ups, loirgneáin bháistí.
pull up. 1 v.tr. a Tarraingím (rud) aníos. Aut: To pull up the brake, an coscán a theannadh. b Cuirim suas, ligim suas (dallóg, etc.); crapaim suas (mo ghúna). Pull up your socks, (i) tarraing aníos do chuid stocaí; (ii) cuir bealadh faoi d'ioscaidí. c Stoithim (fiaile). d Stopaim (capall, carr, etc.). e Tugaim casaoid do; lochtaím. 2 v.i. Seasann, stopann. To pull up at the corner, stopadh ag an gcoirnéal.
Up-hill pull, strus m in aghaidh an aird.
(Of pers., car, etc.) To pull slowly up the hill, an bealach a dhéanamh go mall in aghaidh an chnoic.
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