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pósta could be a grammatical form of: pós » · pósadh »
Marriage impediment, toirmeasc m pósta, col m pósta.
To make known one's intentions to a woman, ceileabhar pósta a chur ar bhean.
Marriage licence, cead pósta.
F: Marriage lines, teastas m pósta.
To seek s.o., s.o.'s hand, in marriage, ceiliúr pósta a chur ar dhuine.
Marriage certificate, teastas m pósta.
Marriage ring, fáinne m pósta.
She is of marriageable age, aois a pósta aici; aibí chun comóraidh.
Married man, fear pósta.
Married love, grá pósta.
Offer of marriage, ceiliúr m pósta.
She is old enough to marry, aois a pósta aici.
F: To pop the question, ceiliúr pósta a chur ar chailín.
To propose to a girl, ceiliúr pósta a chur ar chailín.
Jur: Restitution of conjugal rights, athghéilleadh cearta pósta.
Wedding ring, fáinne pósta,
Judicial separation, scaradh pósta ó dhlí.
Married and single, pósta agus aonta.
F: They are spliced, siad pósta agus prásáilte
She is old enough to marry, to go to school, aois a pósta aici, in aois scoile.
Wedded life, lánúnas m pósta.
To whom is he married? leis a bhfuil pósta? cén bhean atá aige?
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