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needs could be a grammatical form of: need »
needs, adv. (Used only with 'must') I must needs obey, I needs must obey, níl an dara rogha, níl dul as, agam ach bheith umhal. There is no train, so we must needs walk, níl traein ar bith le fáil, mar sin de, níl leigheas air ach é a shiúl. If needs must, mura bhfuil aon dul as. Needs must when the devil drives, níl dlí ar an riachtanas; nuair is crua don chailleach caithfidh rith.
The committee needs new blood, teastaíonn daoine óga ón gcoiste.
He needs an abundant diet, mór flúirse bia .
To have enough for one's material needs, riar do cháis a bheith agat.
He has enough to meet his needs, riar a cháis aige.
To minister to s.o., to s.o.'s needs, fóirithint, friotháil, ar dhuine ina cheasnaí.
My needs are few, is beag é mo riar, mo shásamh.
To supply the needs of s.o., riar ar dhuine; díol a fhreastail, riar a cháis, a thabhairt do dhuine.
He needs care, aire de dhíobháil air, theastódh aire uaidh.
Work that needs great care, obair a éilíonn cúram mór.
What he needs is a good thrashing, séard a d'oirfeadh léasadh maith.
That needs no saying, is fíor sin mbeinn i mo thost.
He needs a lot of asking, mór a bheith ag tuineadh leis.
There needs great courage in order to . . ., foláir, mór, misneach mór chun...
See that he has all he needs, féach chuige go mbeidh gach a bhfuil uaidh aige.
Scythe that needs sharpening, speal a bhfuil faobhar de dhíth uirthi.
To supply s.o.'s needs, riar a cháis a choinneáil le duine.
Prov: Good wine needs no bush, an bhean a bhíos dóighiúil is furasta a cóiriú.
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