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most. 1 a. a You have made (the) most mistakes, agat is atá earráidí. b Most men, an chuid is , an mhórchuid, de na daoine; formhór na ndaoine. For the most part, (i) an chuid is den am; (ii) (go) formhór. 2 s. & indef.pron. a Do the most you can, déan a bhféadfaidh . At (the) (very) most, ar a mhéad. To make the most of it, (i) a bhfuil ann a bhaint as; (ii) a mhór a dhéanamh de. b Most of the work, an chuid is , an mhórchuid, den obair. Most of them know it, a fhios ag an mórchuid acu. 3 adv. as sup. of comparison. The most intelligent child, an páiste is intleachtaí. The most beautiful woman, an bhean is áille. Those who have answered most accurately, an mhuintir is beaichte a thug freagra. What pleased me most, an rud is fearr a thaitin liom. 4 adv. (Intensive) An-, rí-. Most likely, is dóichí. A most costly car, carr an-daor. He has been most kind to me, bhí thar a bheith lách, rílách, liom. It is most remarkable, thar a bheith iontach.   mostly, adv. 1 Go formhór. They are mostly Irish, Éireannaigh a mbunús. 2 Go hiondúil; mórchuid na haimsire.
Your cheque was most acceptable, tháinig do sheic isteach go binn; bhí fáilte is céad roimh do sheic.
Most of all, os cionn gach uile .
In most cases, i gcoitinne, go hiondúil.
He has been designated as the most generous man of his time, tugtha suas gurb é ba fhlaithiúla lena linn.
We had a most enjoyable evening, bhí tráthnóna an-suairc againn.
The Most High, Dia uilechumhachtach.
Most humbly, go ró-umhal.
It was most inconsiderate of you, ba bheag caoideanas a bhí ionat; ba thútach an mhaise duit é.
In the most liberal sense of the word, sa chiall is leithne, is scaoilte, den fhocal.
This plan is most likely to succeed, is ar an scéim seo is dóichí rath a theacht.
The most likely candidates, na hiarrthóirí is fearr seans.
Most likely, very likely, de réir gach dealraimh; go ródhócha.
A hundred pounds is the most I can manage, hacmhainn dom thar céad punt.
It is most objectionable to me, orm an donas é.
The one he loved most of all, an duine ab ansa leis den iomlán acu.
This cheque is most opportune, déanfaidh an seic seo go binn.
It happens most opportunely, is ámharach, tráthúil, mar a tharlaíonn.
I want this (most) particularly for to-morrow, de dhíth go géar orm le haghaidh an lae amáraigh.
His conduct proceeds from most noble principles, na prionsabail is uaisle is údar lena iompar.
The most prominent object on the hill, an rud is feiceálaí ar an gcnoc.
(Of Archbishop) Most Reverend, (an tArd-Easpag) Sár-Oirmhinneach.
The most suitable date, an dáta is caothúla.
It is most unlikely, móide ar bith é.
The most unlikely man to do such a thing, an fear deireanach a shílfeá a dhéanfadh a leithéid.
It is most urgent that the doctor should come, caithfidh an dochtúir teacht láithreach bonn.
At the very most, ar a mhéad; ar an gcuid is de.
This cheque is most welcome, déirc ina ham an seic seo; tiocfaidh an seic seo isteach go binn.
You are most welcome to try, féach leis agus fáilte.
This is what he is most interested in, seo an rud is a bhfuil a spéis ann.
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