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moladh could be a grammatical form of: mol »
Acceptance of proposal, glacadh m le moladh.
He secured their acceptance of the proposal, thug orthu glacadh leis an moladh.
This proposal met with general acceptance, glacadh go forleathan leis an moladh seo.
He is the admiration of everyone, moladh ag gach duine .
The advocates of free trade, lucht molta na saorthrádála.
F: He is angling for compliments, ag súil le moladh atá .
(Surpassing) Beyond praise, os cionn molta, thar mholadh.
To break into praise of s.o., tosú ag moladh duine.
To counsel s.o. to do sth., comhairliú, moladh, do dhuine rud a dhéanamh.
Cracker-up, fear molta; bolscaire m, gaotaire m.
To deserve praise, moladh a thuilleamh.
Extravagant praise, moladh thar meán.
Eager for praise, cíocrach chun molta.
He frowned upon the suggestion, níor thaitin an moladh leis.
To speak in glowing terms of s.o., gan fuíoll molta a fhágáil ar dhuine.
It was greatly admired, moladh go mór agus go fairsing é.
He is grudging of praise, is deacair leis moladh a thabhairt; gann faoina mholadh.
Gushing compliments, moladh masmasach; smeadar m bladair.
I was praising her, bhí á moladh.
To humour s.o., moladh le duine; duine a ionramháil.
Praise which was indeed well deserved, agus sin féin an moladh a bhí tuillte.
He became intoxicated with the praise which he received, chuaigh an moladh a fuair ina cheann .
Ecc: Lauds, moltaí mpl.
Left-handed compliment, moladh le seanbhlas, mar dhea.
Lit: To offer one's meed of praise, an moladh a bhí tuillte a thabhairt.
Honourable mention, moladh m ar leith.
F: Pat on the back, focal molta.
To pat s.o. on the back, moladh a thabhairt do dhuine.
Practical proposal, moladh a bhfuil dealramh air.
To speak in praise of s.o., labhairt ag moladh duine; moladh duine a dhéanamh.
Praise be to God! moladh le Dia!
He was praised by everyone, bhí moladh ag gach duine air.
To praise God, moladh m a thabhairt do Dhia.
To put a premium on laziness, moladh leis an leisciúlacht.
(Of book) It had a good press, moladh go mór sna páipéir é.
To be profuse of praise, gan fuíoll molta a fhágáil ar (dhuine); (duine, rud) a mholadh go rothaí na gréine.
To make a proposal, tairiscint, moladh, a dhéanamh.
The proposal was well received, glacadh go maith leis an moladh.
I have been recommended (to come) to you, moladh, comhairlíodh, dom teacht chugatsa.
To write in recommendation of sth., scríobh ag moladh ruda.
The recommendations of the commission, moltaí an choimisiúin.
F: Round of applause, dreas m gártha molta.
Shouts of applause, gártha molta.
To single s.o. out for praise, moladh a thabhairt do dhuine as measc cáich.
He was lauded to the skies, níor fágadh fuíoll molta air; moladh go rothaí na gréine é.
To make, offer, a suggestion, moladh a dhéanamh; comhairle a thabhairt.
I am not very sweet on the suggestion, sásta atáim leis an moladh.
He was not sympathetic to the proposal, raibh claonadh ar bith aige leis an moladh.
He complimented her with his tongue in his cheek, moladh ó na fiacla amach a rinne uirthi.
To give s.o. ungrudging praise, gan moladh a cheilt ar dhuine; gan fuíoll molta a fhágáil ar dhuine.
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