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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for model »
model1, s. 1 a Samhail f -mhla, mionsamhail f, riochtán m. Wax model, céirshamhail f. b N.Arch: Mionsamhail f (loinge). 2 a Art: Cuspa m. Drawn from the model, línithe ón gcuspa m. To draw without a model, líniú gan chuspa, b On the model of s.o., ar aithris duine. He takes X as his model, ag iarraidh a bheith cosúil le X atá . c Art: (Pers.) Cuspa m. 3 Dressm: a Múnla m. b Mainicín m. 4 Attrib.Model farm, feirm shamplach, eiseamlárach. Model husband, fear céile gan locht. 5 This year's model, déanamh na bliana seo.
model2, v.tr. 1 Dealbhaím, múnlaím. To model sth. after, upon, sth., rud a mhúnlú de réir ruda, ar dheilbh ruda. To model oneself on s.o., aithris a dhéanamh ar dhuine; duine a bheith mar shampla agat. 2 Déanaim mainicíneacht ar (éadaí).
To hold s.o. up as a model, duine a lua mar shampla.
Ind: Miniature model, mionsamhail f -a, mionsampla m.
Ind: Regular model, gnáthshaghas m, gnáthdhéanamh m.
He represents himself as a model of virtue. cuireann i gcéill gur fíréan cruthanta é féin.
To set s.o. up as a model, duine a lua mar dhea-shampla.
Aut: Sports model, carr spórtaíochta.
Car of standard model, carr de dhéanamh coitianta.
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