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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for memory »
memory, s. 1 Cuimhne f. To commit sth. to memory, rud a chur de ghlanmheabhair. F: He has a memory like a sieve, fíor-dhímheabhrach. He has wonderful memory, cuimhne na seacht nduine aige. I have a bad memory for names, níl maith ar bith ionam ag coinneáil cuimhne ar ainmneacha. Loss of memory, dímheabhair f -rach. It came back to my memory, tháinig ar ais chun mo chuimhne. To the best of my memory, ar feadh mo chuimhne; chomh fada agus is cuimhneach liom. Within living memory, le cuimhne na ndaoine. To play sth. from memory, rud a sheinm as do chluais. 2 Cuimhne f. Childhood memories, cuimhne na hóige. We shall keep his memory, beidh inár gcuimhne. Father Peter O'Leary of blessed memory, an tAthair Peadar Ó Laoghaire, méadú ar a ghlóire sna flaithis.
Accurate memory, cuimhne ghrinn.
To brand sth. on s.o.'s memory, lorg ruda a fhágáil ar intinn duine.
A dim memory, mearchuimhne.
Distinct memory, cuimhne ghrinn.
He drew upon his memory, chuaigh ar iontaoibh a chuimhne.
Her memory dwells with me, maireann a cuimhne i m'aigne.
Embedded in his memory, i ndlúth agus in inneach a chuimhne.
Engraved on my memory, neadaithe i mo chuimhne.
It faded from memory, chuaigh i ndearmad de réir a chéile.
His memory often fails him, is minic a chliseann an chuimhne air.
His memory is failing, meath ag teacht ar a chuimhne.
Memory at fault, cuimhne bhearnach.
It became fixed in my memory, chuaigh i bhfostú i mo chuimhne.
It is still fresh in my memory, maireann fós i mo chuimhne; cuimhne ghrinn fós agam air.
It is graven on my memory, scarfaidh go brách le mo chuimhne.
To keep s.o.'s memory green, cuimhne duine a choinneáil beo, buan.
A memory that is still green, buanchuimhne.
To give s.o.'s memory a jog, cuimhne duine a mhúscailt.
To jog s.o.'s memory, cuimhne duine a mhúscailt.
Lapse of memory, cliseadh m cuimhne, dearmad m.
A poor memory, droch-chuimhne f.
To rake one's memory, do chuimhne a ransú.
To recur to the memory, teacht ar ais chun cuimhne.
The memory remained in my mind, mhair an chuimhne agam.
Retentiveness of memory, buaine f cuimhne.
F: To rub up one's memory, do chuimhne a mhúscailt.
Sacred to the memory of . .., i gcuimhne.
If my memory serves me right, más buan mo chuimhne.
Shortness of memory, dímheabhair f, díobháil f cuimhne.
F: (Of words) To sink into the memory, dul i bhfostú sa chuimhne.
F: Your name has slipped my memory, d'ainm imithe uaim.
Memory stocked with tales, ceann lán de scéalta.
Strong memory, cuimhne mhaith.
Treacherous memory, cuimhne éadaofa, lochtach.
Unretentive memory, cuimhne neamhbhuan.
Within living memory, le cuimhne na ndaoine.
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