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Abuse of a word, mí-úsáid f focail.
The broad acres of Meath, bánta na .
On and after the first of the month, ar an gcéad den mhí agus uaidh sin amach.
He was beset with misfortunes, bhí an mí-ádh ag siúl leis.
To bring s.o. luck, ill luck, misfortune, an t-ádh, an mí-ádh, an tubaiste a tharraingt ar dhuine.S.a. LUCK 1
He is paid by the month, íoctar é in éadan na míosa.
F: Such carryings on! a leithéid de mhí-iompar! a leithéid d'ealaín!
Out of character, mí-oiriúnach don pháirt.
For three months to come, go ceann trí mhí.
He is cursed with a violent temper, de mhí-ádh air go bhfuil spadhar damanta ann.
Three months after date, at three months' date, (iníoctha) i gceann trí mhí ón dáta seo.
What is the day of the month? cad é an den mhí é?
On the second of December, an dara de mhí na Nollag.
Derogatory to his position, mí-oiriúnach ghradam.
I was destined to be unlucky, de chrann orm bheith mí-ámharach.
adv.What deuced bad luck! cad é mar mhí-ádh!
Drunk and disorderly, ar meisce agus go mí-iomprach.
During the earlier months of the year, i gcaitheamh míonna tosaigh na bliana.
Three months exactly, trí mhí go dtí an .
I have been living here for three months, táim trí mhí i mo chónaí anseo.
To give s.o. six months' imprisonment, mhí príosúin a ghearradh ar dhuine.
Ticket good for two months, ticéad a d'fhónfadh go ceann dhá mhí.
How's that graceless brother of yours getting on? conas an mac mí-ádhsach sin is deartháir duit ag déanamh?
As ill-luck would have it, he arrived too late, de bharr ar an mí-ádh, bhí mall ag teacht.
By ill-luck, as ill-luck would have it, mar bharr ar an mí-ádh, ar an tubaiste.
There's nothing improper in the play, níl rud ar bith mí-oiriúnach sa dráma.
In May, faoi Bhealtaine, i na Bealtaine.
Inside a month, laistigh de mhí; in achar is giorra ; (in future) as seo go ceann míosa.
On the 5th instant, (ar) an gcúigiú den mhí seo.
A Jonah aboard, tuar m mí-áidh.
In July, in the month of July, i Iúil, san Iúil.
In June, in the month of June, sa Mheitheamh, i mheáin an tSamhraidh.
After a lapse of three months, nuair a bhí trí mhí caite; tar éis trí mhí.
The supplies will not last out two months, mhairfidh an stór an mhí.
Ill luck, bad luck, mí-ádh m, drochrath m.
To bring s.o. good, bad, luck, an t-ádh, mí-ádh, a tharraingt ar dhuine.
As luck would have it . . ., mar bharr ar an ádh, ar an mí-ádh . . .
He is in luck, out of luck, an t-ádh, an mí-ádh, ag rith leis.
Lunar month, na , na gealaí.
Mean advantage, buntáiste mí-ionraic.
County Meath, Contae na .
The merry month of May, bhuí na Bealtaine.
About the middle of August, i dtrátha lár mhí na Lúnasa.
Ecc: Month's mind, cuimhneamh míosa.
I am unlucky and no mistake, an mí-ádh ag siúl liom gan bhréag gan amhras.
Misuse of authority, mí-úsáid údaráis.
Misuse of words, mí-úsáid focal.
Calendar month, féilire.
Current month, an mhí seo.
What day of the month is this? cén den mhí é?
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