Abuse of a word, mí-úsáid f focail.
The broad acres of Meath, bánta na Mí.
On and after the first of the month, ar an gcéad lá den mhí agus uaidh sin amach.
He was beset with misfortunes, bhí an mí-ádh ag siúl leis.
To bring s.o. luck, ill luck, misfortune, an t-ádh, an mí-ádh, an tubaiste a tharraingt ar dhuine.S.a. LUCK 1
He is paid by the month, íoctar é in éadan na míosa.
F: Such carryings on! a leithéid de mhí-iompar! a leithéid d'ealaín!
Out of character, mí-oiriúnach don pháirt.
For three months to come, go ceann trí mhí.
He is cursed with a violent temper, tá sé de mhí-ádh air go bhfuil spadhar damanta ann.
Three months after date, at three months' date, (iníoctha) i gceann trí mhí ón dáta seo.
What is the day of the month? cad é an lá den mhí é?
On the second of December, an dara lá de mhí na Nollag.
Derogatory to his position, mí-oiriúnach dá ghradam.
I was destined to be unlucky, tá de chrann orm bheith mí-ámharach.
adv.What deuced bad luck! cad é mar mhí-ádh!
Drunk and disorderly, ar meisce agus go mí-iomprach.
During the earlier months of the year, i gcaitheamh míonna tosaigh na bliana.
Three months exactly, trí mhí go dtí an lá.
I have been living here for three months, táim trí mhí i mo chónaí anseo.
To give s.o. six months' imprisonment, sé mhí príosúin a ghearradh ar dhuine.
Ticket good for two months, ticéad a d'fhónfadh go ceann dhá mhí.
How's that graceless brother of yours getting on? conas tá an mac mí-ádhsach sin is deartháir duit ag déanamh?
As ill-luck would have it, he arrived too late, de bharr ar an mí-ádh, bhí sé mall ag teacht.
By ill-luck, as ill-luck would have it, mar bharr ar an mí-ádh, ar an tubaiste.
There's nothing improper in the play, níl rud ar bith mí-oiriúnach sa dráma.
In May, faoi Bhealtaine, i mí na Bealtaine.
Inside a month, laistigh de mhí; in achar is giorra ná mí; (in future) as seo go ceann míosa.
On the 5th instant, (ar) an gcúigiú lá den mhí seo.
A Jonah aboard, tuar m mí-áidh.
In July, in the month of July, i mí Iúil, san Iúil.
In June, in the month of June, sa Mheitheamh, i mí mheáin an tSamhraidh.
After a lapse of three months, nuair a bhí trí mhí caite; tar éis trí mhí.
The supplies will not last out two months, ní mhairfidh an stór an dá mhí.
Ill luck, bad luck, mí-ádh m, drochrath m.
To bring s.o. good, bad, luck, an t-ádh, mí-ádh, a tharraingt ar dhuine.
As luck would have it . . ., mar bharr ar an ádh, ar an mí-ádh . . .
He is in luck, out of luck, tá an t-ádh, an mí-ádh, ag rith leis.
Lunar month, mí na ré, na gealaí.
Mean advantage, buntáiste mí-ionraic.
County Meath, Contae na Mí.
The merry month of May, mí bhuí na Bealtaine.
About the middle of August, i dtrátha lár mhí na Lúnasa.
Ecc: Month's mind, cuimhneamh míosa.
I am unlucky and no mistake, tá an mí-ádh ag siúl liom gan bhréag gan amhras.
Misuse of authority, mí-úsáid údaráis.
Misuse of words, mí-úsáid focal.
Calendar month, mí féilire.
Current month, an mhí seo.
What day of the month is this? cén lá den mhí é?