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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for lash »
lash1, s. 1 a Leadhb f, buille m, stiall f (d'fhuip). b Lasc f (fuipe). c (The penalty of) the lash, an lascadh m. F: To be under the lash, bheith do d'fheannadh; bheith faoi luí na bíse. 2 Mec.E: Radadh m. Side lash, taobhradadh m. S.a. Scóip f. Side lash, taobhraideadh m. S.a. BACK-LASH. 3 Fabhra m.
lash2, v.tr. & i. 1 a Lascaim, léasaim (capall, etc.). It was lashing rain, bhí ag lascadh báistí. The wind lashed the sea into fury, thóg an ghaoth an fharraige chun fiúnaigh. He was lashing himself into a fury, bhí á ghriogadh féin chun feirge. b (Of animal) To lash its tail, a eireaball a ghreadadh. c Lascaim, feannaim (drochiompar, ainmhianta, etc., an phobail). 2 v.i.Mec.E: (Of running part) Radann.
lash3, v.tr. Ceanglaím (le téada), fáiscim. To lash down the load on a wagon, an t-ualach a cheangal ar vaigín. Nau: To lash a pulley, ulóg a cheangal.
Eyes fringed with black lashes, súile faoi fhabhraí dubha.
(Of pers.) To lash out at s.o., (i) tarraingt le stiall ar dhuine; (ii) tabhairt faoi dhuine (sa chaint).
To lash out into expenditure, cromadh ar airgead a chaitheamh go rábach; gaoth a thabhairt d'airgead.
To lay on the lash, an lasc a oibriú.
F: Tongue like a whip-lash, teanga fheannta.
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