however, adv. 1 a However he may do it, cibé ar bith mar a dhéanfas sé é; cibé cuma ina ndéanfaidh sé é. However that may be, bíodh sin mar atá. Cp. 'how ever' under EVER. 3. b However artful she may be, dá chleasaí i; is cuma cad é chomh cleasach léi. However good his work is, dá fheabhas a chuid oibre. However much money you spend, dá mhéad airgead dá gcaithfidh tú. However little, dá laghad. 2 Ar scor ar bith, cibé scéal é, ar a shon sin. The scheme however failed, theip ar an scéim áfach. If however you are not satisfied . . ., más amhlaidh nach bhfuil tú sásta . . .