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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for effect »
effect1, s. 1 a Toradh m, iarmairt f, éifeacht f. The effect of heat upon metals, oibriú teasa ar mhiotail. He still suffers from the effects of the disease, fuíoll an ghalair fós air. Ill-effect, drochiarsma m. To have an effect on s.o., toradh a bheith (ag duine, ag rud) ar dhuine. It had a bad effect on him, is dona a chuaigh . To be of no effect; to have, produce, no effect, bheith gan éifeacht, gan toradh. Nothing has any effect on it, théann aon i bhfeidhm air; fhágann aon rian air. It has little effect, is beag a thoradh. To take effect, (i) dul i gcion; (ii) (of law) dul i bhfeidhm; (iii) (of drug) oibriú; (iv) (of shot) dul i gcion. Of no effect, (i) gan toradh; (ii) Jur: gan bhrí; gan feidhm dlí. To no effect, in aistear, in aisce. To give effect to sth., rud (ordú, etc.) a chur i bhfeidhm. To carry into effect, (rud) a dhéanamh, a chur i gcrích. b Brí f, éirim f (scéil). I received a telegram to the same effect, fuair féin sreangscéal ina raibh a leithéid chéanna de scéal. That is what he said or words to that effect, murab é sin é a dúirt , sin é éirim a chuid cainte. 2 a Th: Stage effects, imeartas m stáitse. b Cin: W.Tel: Seachghlórtha mpl. c Words meant for effect, focail a dúradh le go ngabhfaidís i gcion. It gives the room a spacious effect, cuireann dealramh na fairsingeachta ar an seomra. 3 In effect, dáiríre, déanta na fírinne. 4 pl. (Personal) effects, maoin phearsanta. Bank: 'No effects', gan maoin infheidhme.
effect2, v.tr. Feidhmím, cuirim i gcrích. He effected his purpose, chuir a chuspóir i gcrích. He effected an entrance, d'éirigh leis dul isteach. He effected payment (of the bill), d'íoc (an bille). To effect an insurance, a policy of insurance, polasaí árachais a bhaint amach.
By(e) effect, toradh m neamhdhíreach, fothoradh m.
To carry sth. into effect, rud a chur i gcrích.
To effect cures, galair a leigheas.
The effect will be felt, aireofar an toradh.
To effect an insurance on sth., árachas a chur ar rud; rud a chur faoi árachas.
The intended effect, an toradh a rabhthas ag súil leis.
Light effects, imeartas m solais.
Th: Lighting effects, imeartas m solais.
Jur: Movable effects, maoin f inaistrithe.
Its effect on him, mar a chuaigh .
It has a soothing effect on him, tugann suaimhneas .
Th: Sound effects, seachghlórtha.
To make, effect, a survey, suirbhéireacht a dhéanamh.
To take effect, dul i bhfeidhm.
With telling effect, go feidhmiúil.
We are warranted in ascribing an effect to a cause, de cheart againn toradh a chur síos do chúis.
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