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clis could be a grammatical form of: cleas »
Clever at the work, cliste chun na hoibre, chuig an obair.
After the breakdown of the negotiations, tar éis do na comhráití cliseadh.
Nervous break-down, cliseadh m néarach.
You cannot but succeed, fhéadfá cliseadh.
He's a knowing card, ógánach cliste é.
F: The light has fused, cliste ar an bhfiús.
To play a good game, bheith cliste san imirt.
Going back on a friend, cliseadh, loiceadh, ar chara.
Lapse of memory, cliseadh m cuimhne, dearmad m.
(i) To fight with no less daring than skill, troid go cliste agus go cróga chomh maith céanna.
A clever manoeuvre, beart m cliste.
To shock the ear, cliseadh a bhaint as an gcluais; goilleadh ar an gcluais.
F: He's a smart one, is é an t-ógánach cliste é.
To stick in a speech, cliseadh, dul in aimhréidhe, in óráid. v.tr.
Such a clever man! chomh cliste leis!
It takes a clever man to do that, is cliste an mac a dhéanfadh é sin.
Total failure, cliseadh m iomlán, ar fad.
He, unlike his father, was clever, duine cliste ab ea é, murab ionann agus a athair.
To wake up with a start, cliseadh as do chodladh.
She is clever in a way, cliste ar bhealach.
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