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To take the bearings of a coast, marc a thógáil ar chósta.
To coast (along), seoladh leis an gcósta.
Coastwise trade, trádáil chósta; cóstóireacht f.
Boat that follows the coast, bád a imíonn leis an gcósta.
The coastline forms a series of curves at this point, déanann sraith cuar den chósta ag an bpointe seo.
Nau: He knew the lie of the coast, bhí luí an chósta ar eolas aige.
Nau: The coast lies east and west, soir is anoir atá an cósta sínte.
He knows how the coast lies, eolach ar an gcósta.
The north coast, an cósta thuaidh, ó thuaidh.
Coast pilot, in-shore pilot, branch-pilot, píolóta cósta.
To sail up the coast, seoladh feadh an chósta.
The south coast, an cósta theas, ó dheas.
Nau: Coasting trade, trádáil chósta.
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