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affected could be a grammatical form of: affect »
New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for affected »
affected1, a. a (Of pers., manners) Galánta, giodalach. b (Mothú) bréige.   affectedly, adv. Go galánta, etc.
affected2, a. a He is well, ill, affected towards me, , fiamh, aige liom. b He is affected with the disease, an aicíd air. His lungs are affected (by the disease), sna scamhóga aige. c Corraithe, scrúdta. I was very much affected by it, chuir as dom go mór.
It affected his heart, chuaigh faoin gcroí aige.
That affected the course of the war, chuaigh sin i bhfeidhm ar chúrsaí an chogaidh.
I was affected by the sight of it, tháinig tocht orm nuair a chonaic é.
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