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Similar words: bealtaí · beat in · baseline · bealaí · bealáilte
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To be between the devil and the deep sea, bheith idir dhá thine Bhealtaine.
He was in a dilemma, bhí idir dhá thine bhealtaine; bhí rogha an dhíogha aige.
Bill due on 1st May, bille atá iníoctha, a bhfuil a istigh, ar an 1ú Bealtaine.
To be between two fires, bheith idir dhá thine lae Bealtaine.
The big fair is held in May, faoi Bhealtaine a bhíos an t-aonach mór ann.
On the horns of a dilemma, idir dhá thine Bhealtaine.
In May, faoi Bhealtaine, i na Bealtaine.
A very long story, scéal ó Shamhain go Bealtaine.
In (the month of) May, faoi Bhealtaine.
The first of May, m Bealtaine; an chéad de Shamhradh.
Queen of the May, May queen, banríon f na Bealtaine.
The merry month of May, bhuí na Bealtaine.
F: To be between the upper and the nether millstone, bheith idir dhá thine Bhealtaine; bheith idir teach an diabhail agus teach an deamhain.
On the evening of the first of May, tráthnóna Bealtaine.
On May the third, (ar) an tríú de Bhealtaine.
To be awkwardly placed, bheith idir dhá thine Bhealtaine.
May was in its pride, bhí an Bhealtaine ina sea.
The thirty-first of May, an t-aonú déag ar fhichid de Bhealtaine.
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