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ceist, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). Question. 1. Inquiry, query. ~ a chur, to set, ask, a question. Chuir ~ air faoi, I asked him about it. Cuireadh ~eanna staire orainn, we were asked questions in history. ~ agam ort, answer me this. An cheist a fhreagairt, to answer the question. 2. Point, problem. ~ dlí, a question, a point, of law. An rud atá i g~, what is in question, at issue. atá i g~ agam, it is not what I mean. Rud a thabhairt i g~, to raise a matter (in discussion). Tháinig i g~, the question arose. Bhí i g~ agam an áit a dhíol, I was thinking of selling the place. 3. Subject of discussion. Is maith leis é féin a chur i g~, he likes to draw attention to himself. chuirfinn mainm i g~ leis, I would not have my name mentioned in connection with it. 4. Concern. bíodh ~ ort faoi, you need not be concerned about it. ~ duit a shláinte, you need not worry about his health. Bhí ~ air labhairt, he was reluctant, shy, to speak. An méid is ~ orainn, all who concern us. 5. sin i g~, that is so.
Ag baint ~í ar cheist, beating about the bush.
Chuir an cheist sin orm do mo bhrath, he put that question to me in order to try me out.
Ceist bhradaigh ar bhréagach, what a thief asked a liar.
~te ag do cheist, your question has me stumped.
Ceist cháiréiseach, nice, ticklish, question.
Ceist chasta, knotty question.
Do mo chéasadh le ceisteanna, plaguing me with questions.
Chiap le ceisteanna , he plagued me with questions.
Ceist chigilteach, ticklish, delicate, question.
Ceist a chíoradh, to discuss a question minutely.
Ceist chnapánach, knotty question.
~ ceiste, question-mark.
Ag comhrac na ceiste, leis an gceist, struggling with the question.
Ceist a chriathrú, to examine a question minutely.
~ na ceiste, the crux of the question.
Ceist chrosta, complicated question.
Ceist chrua, difficult question.
Ceist a chur, to put a question.
Ceist a chur ar dhuine, to put a question to s.o.
Ceist a chuaigh i n~ ar mhic léinn, a question which proved crucial with students.
Bachrannach an cheist í, ~ leis, it was an intricate question, he thought.
Ceist dhíreach, direct question.
Dfhreagair mo cheist, you answered my question.
Dhorchaigh an cheist orm, you made the question more obscure for me.
Ceist dhuibheagánach, abstruse question.
Ceist ~, vague question.
Ceist a chur ar dhuine ~, to question s.o. who knows.
Is ~ an cheist í, it is a broad question.
Ceist, tuairisc, a chur ~ dhuine, to ask, inquire, about s.o.
Ceist, litir, a fhreagairt, to answer a question, a letter.
Ceist agus ~, question and answer.
Ceist a fhuascailt, to solve a problem; to answer a question.
~ ceiste, solution of problem; answer to question.
Ceist ~, askable question.
Ceist ~, ticklish question.
Bhain an cheist sin ~ asam, that question shook me.
Ceist, tuairim, a mheá, to weigh a question, an opinion.
An cheist atá á mhearú, the question that perplexes him.
Ar mhiste ceist a chur air faoi? Would it be all right to ask him about it?
Ábhar, cás, ceist, a phlé, to debate a subject, a case, a question.
Bhí ag ~adh ceisteanna chugam, he was plying me with questions.
~ ceiste, answer to question.
Ceist a réiteach, to answer a question.
~ ceist chugam, he shot a question at me.
Chuir mo sháith de cheist orm, you set me a poser.
Ceist a sheachaint, to evade a question.
Ceist shimplí, simple question.
Argóint, achrann, ceist, a shocrú, to settle an argument, a dispute, a question.
~ ceiste, easaontais, settlement of question, of disagreement.
Ceisteanna, córas, ~, social problems, system.
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