doicheall, m. (gs. -chill). Churlishness, inhospitality; unwillingness, reluctance. ~ a bheith ort roimh dhuine, to be unwilling to receive s.o. Brú ar an ~, to intrude where one is not wanted. Teacht in am an doichill, to come when one is not wanted, at an unsuitable hour. Greim an doichill, begrudged morsel. Doras, leac, an doichill, unwelcoming door, hearth. Comhartha doichill, sign of unwelcome. Fáilte an doichill, churlish welcome. Ná tabhair bia agus ~ do dhuine, one should never begrudge hospitality. Níor dhruid ~ a dhoras riamh, inhospitality never closed his door, he keeps open house for everyone. Ní raibh romhainn ach an ~, we got a cold welcome. ~ cainte, churlishness in speech; unwillingness to speak. ~ oibre, reluctance to work. (As vn.) Bheith ag ~ roimh dhuine, to be unwilling to receive s.o. Tá sé ag ~ roimh an obair, he is unwilling to do the work. S.a. leac 1(i), píobán 1(a).
Is mairg a mbeadh doicheall roimh dheacair aige, one should face up to one’s troubles.
Brú ar ~ an doichill ag duine, to impose oneself on s.o.
~ an doichill, trachea closed in swallowing.
Tá doicheall romhainn anseo, we are unwelcome here.