athrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of athraigh1. 2. Change, alteration. ~ a chur, a dhéanamh, ar rud, to make an alteration in sth. Teacht ar ~ tuairime, to come to a different opinion. Tháinig ~ mór ort le bliain, you have greatly altered in the past year. ~ intinne, change of mind. ~ gné, cló, transfiguration. ~ crutha, deilbhe, transformation. 3. Variation. ~ maighnéadach, magnetic variation. ~ an chompáis, variation of the compass. 4. Mth: Reduction. (Var: áthrú)
Éadach, béasa, a athrú, to change clothes, habits.
Treo, cúrsa, a athrú, to change direction, course.
Comhrá a athrú, to turn a conversation.
D’intinn a athrú, to change one’s mind.
Do chreideamh a athrú, to change one’s faith, religion.
Tá an ghaoth ag athrú ó dheas, the wind is veering south.
Is doiligh cuid de na daoine a athrú, it is difficult to move, influence, some people.
Tá sé ag athrú ar an leann, he is changing over to ale.
Troscán a athrú, to move furniture around.
Cónaí a athrú, to move house.
Seol a athrú, to shift sail.
Duine a athrú as a phost, to transfer s.o. from his post.
Athrú, biseach, ~, slight change, improvement.
~fidh sé athrú mór orthu, it will change them greatly.
~ a athrú, to alter course.
Athrú a dhéanamh ar rud, to make an alteration in sth.
Tá siad ag athrú, agus ní chun feabhais é, they are changing, and not for the better.
~ a athrú, to change gear.
Athrú ar ~, variation of circumstances.
Ag athrú leis an aimsir, changing with the times.
Athrú ~, magnetic variation.
Teacht ar athrú ~e, to turn over a new leaf.