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Similar words: títhe · ithe · tibhe · tighe · title
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tithe could be a grammatical form of: teach » · ithe »
tithe : teach.
na tithe gann, houses are scarce.
~ tithe, daoine, group of houses, people.
na tithe ~te ar a chéile anseo, the houses here adjoin, are set close together.
Thug ~ éadain do na tithe, he visited each house in succession.
~ tithe, block of houses.
~ tithe, cluster of houses.
~ tithe, bothóg, cluster of houses, of huts.
~ tithe, bád, scaball, blessing of houses, boats, scapulars.
~ tithe, group of houses.
Tithe beaga ~a, narrow little houses.
~ suas cuaillí, tithe, the erection of poles, of houses.
~ crann, tithe, small group of trees, of houses.
toit ag éirí as na tithe, there is smoke rising from the houses.
~thaí oibre, tithe, oideachais, working, housing, educational, matters.
Na tithe in ~ an bhaile, the houses at the lower end of the town.
~ ballaí, tithe, demolition of walls, of houses.
~ tithe, long, sráideanna, fuinneog, the decoration of houses, of ships, of streets, of windows.
~ tithe, huddle of houses.
~ tithe, overcrowding of houses.
~ plandaí, crann, tithe, row of plants, of trees, of houses.
~ tithe, banc, robbing of houses, of banks.
~taí na fir is na mná ó chéile sna tithe pobail, men and women used to be segregated in church.
na tithe ~ go maith ó chéile, the houses are rather far apart.
~faidh na tithe sin glúin eile, those houses will stand for another generation.
Shiúlamar na tithe, we went from house to house, visited each house in turn.
Bhí na tithe ag ~ le huisce, the houses were swimming with water.
~ tithe, row of houses.
Tithe stáisiúin, private houses in which parish stations are held.
~ talún, tithe, letting of land, of houses.
~ tithe, droichead, construction of houses, of bridges.
~ tithe, demolition of houses.
~ tithe, demolisher of houses.
Tithe, leathanaigh, doiciméid, a uimhriú, to number houses, pages, documents.
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