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taise could be a grammatical form of: tais »
taise1. 1. f. (gs. ~). (a) Dampness, moistness, humidity. (b) Softness, smoothness, tenderness. (c) Mildness, gentleness; kindness, compassion. Trua agus ~, pity and compassion. ~ don trua, compassion for the weak. Gan ~ le namhaid, relentless towards an enemy. (d) Weakness, faintness. 2. gsf., npl. & comp. of tais1.
taise2, f. (gs. ~, pl. -sí). 1. (a) Fetch, wraith. É féin a thaise a bhí ann, it was either himself or his double. (b) Shade, apparition, ghost. Níl ann ach a thaise, he is worn to a shadow. 2. (pl.) (a) Remains, relics. Taisí na naomh, the relics of the saints. Tabhair onóir do thaisí do mhuintire, honour the remains of your people. (b) Ruins. Taisí na seancheall, the remains of the old churches.
Ballaí ~e, damp walls.
Méara ~e, tender fingers.
~e domsa é, it is the same with me.
siad ó smacht, agus ~e duitse é, they are out of control, and you are just as bad.
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