staighre, m. (gs. ~, pl. -rí). 1. (a) Stair(s). Dul suas, síos, an ~, to go up, down, the stairs. Thuas an ~, upstairs. (b) Staircase, stairway. ~ amuigh, external staircase. ~ beo, ~ creasa, escalator. ~ bíse, spiral staircase. ~ cábáin, companion-way. 2. Storey. Dhá ~ ar airde, two storeys high.
~ an staighre, an bóthar, (coming) up the stairs, the road.
Staighre, cnoc, a ardú, to ascend a stairs, a hill.
~ staighre, urláir, stair-, floor-, carpet.
~ staighre, leapa, foot of stairs, of bed.
~ staighre, mala, head of stairs, of incline.
~ staighre, dréimire, step of stairs, of ladder.
Ag ~ an staighre, at the turn in the stairs.
~ staighre, step of stairs.
Ag dul) in ~ (an) staighre, (going) upstairs.
~ cheann staighre, landing.
Ná ~ anuas an staighre iad, don’t let them (come) down the stairs.
~ staighre, (well of) staircase.
Ghlaoigh sé orm ó bhun an staighre, he called me from the bottom of the stairs.
~ staighre, handrail of stairs,
Dul ~ an staighre, an bóthar, to go down the stairs, the road.
1. ~eanna staighre, steps of stairs.
~ an staighre, an bóthar, an sliabh, up the stairs, the road, the mountain.
Ag teacht anuas an staighre, an sliabh, coming down the stairs, the mountain.
~ an staighre, downstairs.