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scanradh, m. (gs. -aidh). 1. Lit: Rout; scattering, dispersal. 2. Fright. ~ a bheith ort roimh rud, to be frightened of sth. Bhí ~ a anama air, he was in terror of his life. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to frighten s.o. Baineadh ~ asam, I got a fright. 3. F: Astonishing thing, terror; astonishing amount. Is é an ~ é; is mór an ~ é; níl aon ~ ach é, it is most amazing. ~ cainte aige, he talks an awful lot. 4. Greed, avarice (chun, for). ~ chun an tsaoil a bheith ort, to be full of avarice. (Var: scannradh)
Is ~ é le duine a fuair scanradh, he looks as if he had got a fright.
fhaigheann scanradh, if he gets a fright.
~eadh le scanradh, to jump with fright.
Fuair ~ de scanradh, she got a bit of a fright.
~ den talamh le scanradh, I jumped off the ground with fright.
A ~ de scanradh is a fuair , she got such a fright.
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