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síos, adv. & prep. & a. Down. 1. To lower place or station. ~ i bpoll, sa talamh, down into a hole, into the ground. Dul ~ an staighre, an bóthar, to go down the stairs, the road. An bealach ~ chun na trá, the way down to the strand. Lig ~ ar an urlár é, let it down on the floor. An fear ~, the man going down. Na bailte ~, the lower townlands. (As vb. imp.) ~ leat! ~ libh! Down you go! S.a. airgead 2, béim1 1, céim 1(a), cuir ~, dul1 8. 2. Hanging down; drooping, trailing. Bhí a gruaig ~ léi, her hair was hanging down. do sciorta ~ leat, your skirt is trailing. a lámh ~ leis, his arm is hanging limp; he has lost the use of his arm. 3. To the north. ~ go Cúige Uladh, north to Ulster. 4. To lesser centre or remote district. ~ an tír, ~ faoin tír, down the country. 5. Following. Ag seo ~ an óráid a rinne , the following is the oration he gave. 6. (a) (With suas) an áit ~ suas acu, they have turned the place upside down. Thug siad an taobh ~ suas do gach uile rud, they turned everything topsyturvy. Chuir an margadh ~ suas orainn, he spoiled our whole agreement. ag déanamh ~ suas leis an dream sin, dont be hobnobbing with that crowd. (b) (With siar) Dfhág ~ siar sa rás sinn, he left us far behind in the race. Buaileadh ~ siar iad, they were completely routed.
Cuir síos d’~ leis, enter your name for it.
~ síos, cash down.
An suífeá síos? Would you sit down?
Fad a bheidh an ~ (aníos is síos) ionam, as long as I live.
Buaileadh síos faoi ~ é, he got a relapse.
~ síos na ba, drive, chase, down the cattle.
~ (síos) a bhaint as duine, to take s.o. down a peg.
Is mór an bhéim síos air é, it is a great blow to him, to his credit.
Tuarascáil a bhreacadh (síos), to write, jot, down a report.
~ síos é, write, mark, it down.
Breathnú síos, suas, siar, amach, to look down, up, back, out.
~ síos sa mhála é, press it down in the bag.
~ síos le do chos é, beat it down with your foot.
~eadh síos leis na scoilteacha é, he was laid low, incapacitated, with rheumatism.
~te síos le fada, he has been bedridden a long time.
~eadh síos an bád, the boat was launched.
~ a chur síos do dhuine, to attribute a statement to s.o.
~ faoi, ~ síos, air, he is downcast, ashamed.
Bhí ~ síos, ~ suas, air, he was suffering from diarrhoea, from vomiting.
~ síos, a step down, humiliation.
~ tine a chur síos, to put on a big fire.
a chleití síos leis, his feathers are drooping; he is crestfallen.
~ síos, suas, é, keep it down, up.
~ síos, suas, keep down, up.
~adh anuas, síos, to bend down.
síos i bpoll, i do phóca, to put sth. down into a hole, into ones pocket.
Chuir síos le fána é, he pushed it down the slope.
Stáca a chur síos, to put down a stake.
Brat urláir a chur síos, to lay a carpet.
Tine a chur síos, to set a fire.
Pota a chur síos, to put a pot on.
Rud a chur síos i leabhar, to mark sth. down in a book.
~ síos dainm leis, put down your name for it.
ar) Cur síos ar rud, to give an account of, to describe, sth.
Rud a chur síos do dhuine, to impute sth. to s.o.
le) Níl rud ar bith ag cur síos leis ach sin, nothing interests him but that.
~ síos a dhéanamh ar rud, to give an account of sth.
Níl ~ síos (le déanamh) air, it defies description.
Dhaingnigh siad (síos) na haistí, they battened down the hatches.
~ síos go maith é, ram it down well.
~ síos, descent.
Ar an gcéad, den chéad, ~ síos, in the first instance.
~ a thógáil, a chur (síos), to build, lay (down), a foundation.
Bhí a bhríste ag éalú síos air, his trousers were slipping down on him.
a chuid ~ síos leis, its wings are crippled.
síos, anseo, é, put it down, here.
Dfhág síos siar é, he left it scattered about; he abandoned it.
~aint síos, suas, i do thimpeall, an bealach eile, to look down, up, around, the other way.
Dfhéach síos suas orm, he looked me up and down.
Síos) go ~, go barr an fhéir, down to the ground.
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