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olann, f. (gs. olla, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Wool. 1. ~ chíortha, chardála, combing, carding, wool. ~ chadáis, cotton-wool. ~ bhriste, waste wool. ~ gabhair, goats wool. Is doiligh ~ a bhaint de ghabhar, it is hard to get blood out of a stone. Is an torann an ~ (mar a dúirt an chaora leis an ngabhar a bhí á lomadh), much cry and little wool (as the sheep said of the goat being shorn). Is furasta an ~ a bhaint de, he is an easy mark. S.a. bog2 1(d). 2. Woolly hair, mop of hair. 3. ~ chruach, steel wool. 4. (gs. as a.) Woollen. Éadach, snáth, muileann, olla, woollen cloth, yarn, mill. 5. Alg: ~ dhearg, polysiphonia.
Olann a bhearradh, to clip wool.
Is ~ atá do chraiceann ort; is ~ a dfhás an olann ort, you are easily imposed upon.
~ (olla), (act of) fixing wool for dyeing.
~ olla, card for combing wool.
~ olla, wool-carding.
~ olla, wool-combing.
Olann a chíoradh, to comb wool.
~ olla, woolcombing.
~ olla, wool combings.
Olann chotúin, cotton-wool.
Olann gan ~, natural wool.
Íorna de shnáth olla, hank of woollen yarn.
Déantúis olla, woollen manufactures.
~ fhéir, olla, thuí, wisp of grass, of wool, of thatch.
Olann a dhlaoithiú, to tuft wool.
~ gruaige, olla, lock of hair, of wool.
~ lín, olla, tuft of flax, of wool.
~ olla, síoda, woollen, silk, cloth.
h~ a roistear an olann ach is ~ a spíontar í, it is not that the wool is ripped but that it is teased.
~ féasóige, olla, a growth of beard, of wool.
~ olla, choirce, sparse, poor-quality, wool, oats.
~ olla, greyness of wool.
~e olla, coarse bits of wool, wool-waste.
Bhí éadach olla lena chneas, there was woollen clothing next his skin.
Olann a ~adh, to pluck wool.
~ olla, lock of wool; wad (of wool).
~ olla, woolsack.
~ olla, wool-market, wool-hall.
Olann mhín, sheer wool.
~ cadáis, olla, síoda, sníomhacháin, cotton-, woollen-, silk-, spinning-, mill.
~ olla, woolsack.
~ mine, olla, féir, coarse meal, wool, grass.
~ lín, olla, shred of flax, of wool.
~ olla, tuft of wool.
~ olla, roll of wool.
~ olla, little tuft of wool.
~ olla, lock of wool.
Ag ~adh olla, teasing wool.
~ cadáis, olla, síoda, cotton, wool, silk, thread.
~ olla, woollen yarn.
Olann, líon, a ~adh, to tease wool, flax.
Olann ~e, zephyr (wool).
Cluimhreach, olann, a tharraingt, to pluck feathers, wool.
~ ghuail, olla, coal-, wool-, trade.
~ lín, olla, flax-, wool-, wheel.
2. ~ olla, wool-grease.
Olann faoi ~, wool in the grease.
An t-~ a bhaint as an olann, to remove the yolk from the wool.
Olann a úrú, to remove the yolk from wool.
~ olla, wool-fat, lanolin.
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