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muinín, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Trust, confidence. ~ a bheith agat as duine, as rud, to have faith in s.o., sth. ~ a chur i nduine, to put ones trust in s.o. Rud a chur i ~ duine, to trust sth. to s.o.; to rely on s.o. to do sth. ~ a bheith agat asat féin, to have confidence in oneself, to be self-reliant. 2. Resort, recourse. Dul i ~ ruda, to have recourse to sth. Chuaigh siad i ~ a nirt, a n-arm, they resorted to force, to arms. Chuaigh i ~ a reatha, he made a run for it. gabh i ~ na mbréag, dont fall back on lies. 3. Dependence. (a) Bheith i ~ duine, to be dependent, to have to rely, on s.o. I ~ na déirce, relying on charity. faoi mhuinín , I am in Gods hands. Níor mhaith liom a bheith i do mhuinín, I wouldnt like to depend on you. Bhí i ~ a dhíchill, he had to do the best he could. (b) i ~ labhairt leis, dont just rely on speaking to him; you should do more than speak to him. Níor fhan siad ina mhuinín sin, they didnt leave it at that. bhíonn ina mhuinín sin, if it stops at that. (Var: muinighin, gs. muinighne)
mbeadh muinín aige as féin, if he had confidence in himself.
Táimid i muinín a chéile, we are dependent on each other.
Na créatúir atá ina mhuinín, the unfortunate people who depend on him.
Muinín, dóchas, a chur i nDia, to put trust, hope, in God.
Níl ~ agam astu, I dont really trust them.
I muinín na ~e, depending on charity.
Dul le ~, i muinín an fhornirt, to resort to violence.
I muinín a athar, dependent on his father.
Rachaimid i muinín , we will put our trust in God.
Is ~ a bheadh ina mhuinín, I shouldnt like to depend on him.
I muinín a mhiota, doing his best.
Ba mhó an mhuinín a bheadh agam asat féin, I would have greater confidence in yourself.
~ muiníne, position of trust.
Níl muinín ar bith ag teacht agam as, I cant begin to place any confidence in him.
de thréith aige go mbíonn muinín ag daoine as, he has the quality to inspire confidence in people.
Is ~ don atá ina muinín, pity the person who has to depend on them.
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