muinín, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Trust, confidence. ~ a bheith agat as duine, as rud, to have faith in s.o., sth. ~ a chur i nduine, to put one’s trust in s.o. Rud a chur i ~ duine, to trust sth. to s.o.; to rely on s.o. to do sth. ~ a bheith agat asat féin, to have confidence in oneself, to be self-reliant. 2. Resort, recourse. Dul i ~ ruda, to have recourse to sth. Chuaigh siad i ~ a nirt, a n-arm, they resorted to force, to arms. Chuaigh sé i ~ a reatha, he made a run for it. Ná gabh i ~ na mbréag, don’t fall back on lies. 3. Dependence. (a) Bheith i ~ duine, to be dependent, to have to rely, on s.o. I ~ na déirce, relying on charity. Tá mé faoi mhuinín Dé, I am in God’s hands. Níor mhaith liom a bheith i do mhuinín, I wouldn’t like to depend on you. Bhí sé i ~ a dhíchill, he had to do the best he could. (b) Ná bí i ~ labhairt leis, don’t just rely on speaking to him; you should do more than speak to him. Níor fhan siad ina mhuinín sin, they didn’t leave it at that. Má bhíonn sé ina mhuinín sin, if it stops at that. (Var: muinighin, gs. muinighne)
Dá mbeadh muinín aige as féin, if he had confidence in himself.
Táimid i muinín a chéile, we are dependent on each other.
Na créatúir atá ina mhuinín, the unfortunate people who depend on him.
Muinín, dóchas, a chur i nDia, to put trust, hope, in God.
Níl ~ agam astu, I don’t really trust them.
I muinín na ~e, depending on charity.
Dul le ~, i muinín an fhornirt, to resort to violence.
I muinín a athar, dependent on his father.
Rachaimid i muinín Dé, we will put our trust in God.
Is ~ a bheadh ina mhuinín, I shouldn’t like to depend on him.
I muinín a mhiota, doing his best.
Ba mhó an mhuinín a bheadh agam asat féin, I would have greater confidence in yourself.
~ muiníne, position of trust.
Níl muinín ar bith ag teacht agam as, I can’t begin to place any confidence in him.
Tá sé de thréith aige go mbíonn muinín ag daoine as, he has the quality to inspire confidence in people.
Is ~ don té atá ina muinín, pity the person who has to depend on them.