meisce, f. (gs. ~). 1. Drunkenness, intoxication. Bheith ar ~, to be drunk. Dul ar ~, to get drunk. Duine a chur ar ~, to make s.o. drunk. Ar a mheisce, in his cups. Fear ~, drunken man. Achrann lucht ~, drunken brawl. Teacht as ~, to sober up. Níl ~ ná mire air, he is under no illusion as to what he is doing. Prov:Sceitheann, scileann, ~ mírún, drink reveals the ill intent, in vino veritas. 2. Daze, bewilderment; befuddlement, confusion. Bhí ~ chodlata orm, I was dazed from want of sleep. ~ thobac, dizzy sensation from smoking.
Ar meisce, ar seachrán, drunk, astray.
Ar meisce nó ar a chiall dó, whether he be drunk or sober.
Tá ~ mheisce air, he is flushed with drink.
Tá sé ~ ina, ar a, mheisce, he is troublesome when drunk.
Duine a chur ar meisce, ar buile, to make s.o. drunk, mad.
Ar stealladh, ar meisce, na ngrást, blind drunk.
~ mheisce, drunken vomit.
Ar steallaí (dearga) meisce, mire, raging drunk, mad.
Bhí sé ar na stoic stárthacha (ar meisce), he was blind drunk.
Tá ~ meisce air, he is fuddled with drink.
Rachainn ar meisce ina dhiaidh, I’d get drunk as a result of it.
Bhí dhá d~ meisce air, he was three parts drunk.