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Similar words: lar · ár · blár · clár · glár
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lár, m. (gs. & npl. láir, gpl. ~). 1. Ground, floor. (a) Ar an ~ lom, on the bare ground. Leath buailte ~ glan, a clear threshing-floor is half the work done. Thug a ghnúis le ~, he turned his face to the ground, bowed down to the ground. Titim ar ~, to fall to the ground. Rud a leagan ar ~, to level sth. to the ground. Bheith ar ~, to be on the ground; to be laid low, fallen. (b) Rud a fhágáil ar ~, to omit sth. lig ar ~, faoi ~, é, dont let it drop, fall through. mo chuid fómhair ar lár, my harvest is not yet saved. Lúb ar ~, dropped stitch. lúb ar ~ san argóint, there is a defect in the argument. Chuaigh an cleas ar ~, the trick failed. tógtha ó ~ acu, they are driving me crazy. Tógfaidh siad an teach ó ~, they will fill the house with commotion. S.a. sraith1 1. 2. Middle, centre. (a) ~ an urláir, na páirce, an aonaigh, the middle of the floor, of the field, of the fair. ~ na tíre, the midlands. I ~ an lae, an tsamhraidh, in the middle of the day, of the summer. Bhí i ~ na bruíne, he was in the thick of the fight. I ~ crainn, at half-mast. I ~ an chomhrá dúinn, when we were in the middle of the conversation. Amuigh i ~ na farraige, out in mid-ocean. Amach as ~ an chiúnais, out of the midst of the silence. S.a. báire 1, ball 6, leas11(a). (b) I mo ~, in my breast, heart. Chuaigh trí ~ mo chléibh, it pierced me to the heart. Faoi mo ~, round my waist. (c) An fear láir, the man in the middle. Áirse, ciorcal, láir, centre arch, circle.
I lár ~, in the centre of play; in the middle.
I lár baill, in the centre.
Ina lár go ~, right in the middle of it.
~ bhíseach, chaolchosach, chaseitreach, láir, spúnóige, tharathair, worm-, taper-, twist-, centre-, spoon-, auger-, bit.
An ~ tosaigh, láir, deiridh, the bow-oar, the mid-oar, the stroke.
~ láir, táise, central wale.
~ eachtrach, inmheánach, láir, outer, inner, middle, ear.
~tha ina lár, it is cracked in the middle.
Fág an ~ ar lár, omit the five.
Chuir an láir searrach aisti, the mare cast a foal.
An rud is doilí le duine a bhás (bfhéidir gurb é lár a leasa é), what one thinks to be a fate worse than death (may be a blessing in disguise).
Bhí ag éirí de lár, de thalamh, he was jumping off the ground, flying into a rage.
Greadadh ~ lár é, he was dashed to the ground.
~ faoi lár é, all is not lost.
~ bairr, láir, íochtair, top, middle, lower, sod.
Bhí ag ~t i lár an aonaigh, he was calling out in the middle of the fair.
Mura mbeadh agat ach ~ i lár an aonaigh leis, dont hide your light under a bushel.
I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight.
Thug siad a n~ le lár, they turned their faces to the ground.
I lár baill, right in the middle.
Briste sa lár, broken in the middle.
searrach sa láir, the mare is in foal.
Lár an inbhéartaithe, centre of inversion.
I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight.
1. ~ ghraí, stud-mare.
~ shearraigh, mare in foal.
~ asail, she-ass.
2. ~ mná, big well-built woman.
3. ~ dhubh, treadmill.
~ bhán, hobby-horse (used by wren-parties).
~ (bhán), badderlocks.
Bfhéidir gurb é lár a ~a é, it may be all for his good.
~ clé, deas, láir, left-, right-, centre-, half(-back).
~ clé, deas, láir, left, right, centre, half-forward.
Rud a ~ean le lár, to let sth. rest upon the ground; to let sth. fall to the ground, fall through.
~ na lár, line of centres.
na ~í ar lár ag an mbó, the cow is about to calve.
~ ar lár, dropped stitch;
an choill ina ~ ar lár, the wood has been levelled to the ground.
An M~ Láir, the Central Plain.
Láir mhaol, bobtailed mare.
An mhéar fhada, láir, mheáin, the middle finger.
Ó mhullach go lár, from top to bottom.
Ó ~ go lár, all beneath the sky.
Ó lár na cathrach, from the centre of the city.
I lár na h~, in the middle of the night.
An rud is measa le duine a bhás bfhéidir gurb é lár a leasa é, what one regards as a fate worse than death may be all for ones good.
~ láir, centre-pin.
~ an láir an searrach, the mare weaned the foal.
Fág an ~ ar lár, omit the seven.
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